
Charitable Activities in The Diocese Of Mananthavady 
Diocese of Mananthavady runs a number of charitable projects under its various departments. There is also a Social Service Department and a registered Society called Wayanad Social Service Society (WSSS) for undertaking major social service activities. Here below is given a short description of the main social and charitable activities

Children's' Homes
There are at present 25 Children's homes in the diocese of Mananthavady. Out of them three are run directly by the diocese and the rest are by various religious congregations. The total number of children in these homes is more than 750. These children are provided with free boarding, lodging and medical facilities and school books and fees. In addition they are given special training in computer application and such other skills. In one of the homes named Boys Town there is a private Lower Primary school for the children of the Home. The children in the surrounding areas also make use of this school. Children are admitted to these Children's Homes irrespective of their caste, creed or religion. The expenses of the children's homes are met from the grant from the state and from local and foreign benefactors. Most of the children in these homes are from broken families. there are also fully orphan children. The diocese or the respective religious congregation take up the full responsibility of them and do everything possible to ensure them better future. 

Since it is not a state funded school the entire expense, including the teachers' salary and the infrastructural costs, of the school is met by the diocese. Therefore a nominal fee is collected from the children coming from outside. However, this amount is not sufficient to cover the entire cost. The deficit is met by the diocese from its general fund collected from contributions from the faithful mainly abroad.

Contributions are most welcome from anywhere in the world. Any small amount will help us reduce the burden to some extent. Contributions may be sent as crossed cheque to :
Diocese of Mananthavady, Post Box No. 1, Mananthavady 670645, India.

Contributions may also be transferred directly to our bank account. Please ask for the details under the following address:
Finance Officer, Bishop's House, PB No. 1, Mananthavady 670 645, India.
or email to  

Old Age Homes
There are a total of 16 Old Age Homes in the diocese. Out of them one is run directly by the diocese and the rest by various religious congregations and the Society of St Vincent de Paul. The total number of inmates in these homes is about 200. Most of the inmates are old people who are abandoned by their relatives and who have no where else to go. Some do not even know where they come from.   

We welcome contributions from anywhere in the world. Contributions may be sent as crossed cheque to :
Diocese of Mananthavady,
Post Box No. 1, Mananthavady 670 645, India.

Contributions may also be transferred directly to our bank account. Please ask for the details under the following address:
Finance Officer, Bishop's House, PB No. 1, Mananthavady 670 645, India.
or email to   

Homes for Mentally Retarded and Physically Challenged
There are eight homes for the mentally retarded and three for the physically handicapped. Some of these homes accept children as day scholars while the rest accept also residents. Altogether more than a hundred children are in the homes for the mentally retarded and about ninety in the homes for the physically handicapped. These institutions ensure that at least part of the inmates become able to look after their own needs and find a livelihood for themselves when they definitively leave the institution. as in the case of other charitable institutions admission is given to these institutions without any discrimination of religion, creed or caste.   

Rehabilitation Centers
There are two homes, one for the unwed mothers and the other for street children. The number in these institutions is not very high. However they serve the society in a meritorious way by giving a chance to the unwed mothers who are hated and often abandoned by their families and by giving shelter to the children roaming about the street.   

Education Programs
The diocese runs an education program for the poor but bright children. Every year the diocese pays in cash Rs. 1000 (about US $ 22 at current exchange rates) each for 500 children studying in classes 8 to 12. These children are identified by the respective parish priests together with the parish committees and the money is channeled through the parish account. During the last five years a total of 27 lakhs (2.7 million) of rupees were given to the deserving poor children.  

In addition during the last two years the diocese made it possible for 40 poor children to study in privately run and privately funded English Medium schools by paying for them. These schools are most coveted by all but the fees are unaffordable to the poor. The Women Religious Congregations in the diocese also has a program for helping the poor children of the diocese. Last year they gave out more than 2.5 lakhs (250,000) of rupees to a total of 250 children studying in classes 8 to 12. Under this scheme each child gets Rs. 2000/- (About US $ 44) per year. besides this programme they as well as the men religious congregations of the diocese have their own projects for helping the poor school going children. 

Our next attempt is to provide financial assistance to poor student who wish to pursue professional studies. At present many are seeking education loans from commercial banks. But the banks are reluctant to give them credit because they are not able to give anything as collateral. therefore there is a strong need for the intervention of the diocese in this area. 

The diocese runs also a parallel college where more than 1000 students study at a very nominal fee. This college is meant especially for those who fail to get admission in regular colleges. 

Contributions are welcome for the education programme of the diocese. Any small Contributions may be sent as crossed cheque to :
Diocese of Mananthavady, Post Box No. 1, Mananthavady 670 645, India.

Contributions may also be transferred directly to our bank account. Please ask for the details under the following address:
Finance Officer, Bishop's House, PB No. 1, Mananthavady 670 645, India.
or email to  

Social Service Department
The social works of the diocese are done mainly through this department and a society called Wayanad Social Service Society (WSSS). WSSS is widely acclaimed both in India and abroad for its proven track record in the social service field. WSSS undertakes the execution may state and central government sponsored schemes such as Jalnidhi and watershed projects. It has a project for conserving medicinal plants approved by the central government. As a part of it there is also a station in Karnataka where ayurvedic medicines are produced and training is given to the local population to produce medicine from the plants and herbs available in their locality. An important area where WSSS is engaged is in the promotion bio-farming. It has more than 4000 certified farmers who cultivate using bio-methods. Every year WSSS collects spices from them and exports to various foreign countries giving a substantial price margin to the farmers. WSSS has a number of local self help groups and farmers' clubs through whom its activities are conducted. Similarly there is also a legal aid wing under the Social Service Department. Poor people are given free legal advice and occasionally legal service including lawyers free of charge from there. Another programme is the Save a Family Plan in association with the Save a Family Plan International. A number of poor families are helped by small cash helps.

A number of poor families are helped by small cash helps. WSSS could successfully complete a housing program in the year of 2007-08 with the support and financial assistance of SYRO MALABAR CULTURAL ASSOCIATION (SMCA), KUWAIT. The project was called Mayflower Housing Project-I which was the first major initiative of SMCA among the Syro Malabar Dioceses in Kerala. 50 families were blessed by the efforts and pain taken by the Syro Malabar Christian community in Kuwait for they have donated Rs.50,000 each to 50 homeless families. When the community was inspired and motivated by SMCA, they, together with WSSS mobilized another Rs. 50,000 for each family. The selections of the beneficiaries were done under the leadership of local self help groups of WSSS and they themselves monitored the execution of the project in the respective places.

WSSS is very much involved in the Tribal welfare activities also. There is a department under WSSS for dealing with the issues related to tribals. This has a special significance as Wayanad has a sizable population of tribal. 

In addition to the above said programmes there are a number of projects and programmes run by the various associations in the diocese such as Catholic Mothers' Association, Cherupushpa Mission League, Society of St Vincent De Paul and Catholic Youth Movement.